Nonlinear Differential Equations with external forcingDownload PDF

Published: 27 Feb 2020, Last Modified: 05 May 2023ICLR 2020 Workshop ODE/PDE+DL PosterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: partial differential equations, navier-stokes
TL;DR: Analytical Formulation of Equatorial Standing Wave Phenomena: Application to QBO and ENSO
Abstract: Key equatorial climate phenomena such as QBO and ENSO have never been adequately explained as deterministic processes. This in spite of recent research showing growing evidence of predictable behavior. This study applies the fundamental Laplace tidal equations with simplifying assumptions along the equator — i.e. no Coriolis force and a small angle approximation. The solutions to the partial differential equations are highly non-linear related to Navier-Stokes and only search approaches can be used to fit to the data.
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