DROP: Dexterous Reorientation via Online Planning

Published: 26 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 10 Nov 2024LFDMEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: In-Hand Manipulation, Contact-Rich Planning, Sampling-based MPC
TL;DR: DROP is a purely model-based online planning method for in-hand cube reorientation that achieves comparable performance to RL.
Abstract: Achieving human-like dexterity is a longstanding challenge in robotics, in part due to the complexity of planning and control for contact-rich systems. In reinforcement learning (RL), one popular approach has been to use massively-parallelized, domain-randomized simulations to learn a policy offline over a vast array of contact conditions, allowing robust sim-to-real transfer. Inspired by recent advances in real-time parallel simulation, this work considers instead the viability of online planning methods for contact-rich manipulation by studying the well-known in-hand cube reorientation task. We propose a simple architecture that employs a sampling-based predictive controller and vision-based pose estimator to search for contact-rich control actions online. We conduct thorough experiments to assess the real-world performance of our method, architectural design choices, and key factors for robustness, demonstrating that our simple sampling-based approach achieves performance comparable to prior RL-based works. For the extended conference version of this paper, see: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.14562.
Supplementary Material: zip
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Submission Number: 35