Machine Intelligence Cyber-Warfare

Published: 14 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 23 Nov 2024HRAIM PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Military uses of AI; cybersecurity; cyber warfare
TL;DR: Machine intelligence cyberwar: evaluating societal risks from military uses of Machine Intelligence Cyber Agents
Abstract: Cyber warfare is almost certainly the first domain in which fully autonomous machine intelligence combatants will be deployed. This is because cyber warfare occurs in a “constrained” domain, unlike the physical domains of land, air, maritime and space. A Machine Intelligence Cyber Agent (MICA) would not need to be embodied with a comprehensive set of perceptual functions to understand the battlespace. This is because computer network information is already processed in a machine-readable format. Thus, a machine intelligence combatant is already ‘native’ to the cyber domain. In this paper, we first characterise both the incentives to build MICAs and the current state of the art before articulating five key priorities that researchers and practitioners should pursue now to reduce the risk of MICAs causing catastrophic harm.
Submission Number: 3