Li-ion Battery Material phase prediction through Hierarchical Curriculum LearningDownload PDF

Published: 21 Oct 2022, Last Modified: 05 May 2023AI4Science PosterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: X-ray tomography imaging, Image Segmentation, Curriculum Learning, Uncertainty quantification
TL;DR: This paper presents a novel curriculum learning technique to address the complex task of estimating material constituent distribution from low contrast tomography imaging of battery electrodes
Abstract: Li-ion Batteries (LIB), one of the most efficient energy storage devices, are widely adopted in many industrial applications. Imaging data of these battery electrodes obtained from X-ray tomography can explain the distribution of material constituents and allow reconstructions to study electron transport pathways. Therefore, it can eventually help quantify various associated properties of electrodes (e.g., volume-specific surface area, porosity) which determine the performance of batteries. However, these images often suffer from low image contrast between multiple material constituents , making it difficult for humans to distinguish and characterize these constituents through visualization. A minor error in detecting distributions among the material constituents can lead to a high error in the calculated parameters of material properties. We present a novel hierarchical curriculum learning framework to address the complex task of estimating material constituent distribution in battery electrodes. To provide spatially smooth prediction, our framework comprises three modules: (i) an uncertainty-aware model trained to yield inferences conditioned upon global knowledge of material distribution, (ii) a technique to capture relatively more fine-grained (local) distributional signals, (iii) an aggregator to appropriately fuse the local and global effects towards obtaining the final distribution.
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