Two Directions for Clinical Data Generation with Large Language Models: Data-to-Label and Label-to-Data

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 FindingsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Theme Track: Large Language Models and the Future of NLP
Submission Track 2: NLP Applications
Keywords: Large language model, clinical text processing, Alzheimer's Disease, data augmentation
TL;DR: We use LLM to create data for AD-related symptoms identification/classification.
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) can generate natural language texts for various domains and tasks, but their potential for clinical text mining, a domain with scarce, sensitive, and imbalanced medical data, is under-explored. We investigate whether LLMs can augment clinical data for detecting Alzheimer's Disease (AD)-related signs and symptoms from electronic health records (EHRs), a challenging task that requires high expertise. We create a novel pragmatic taxonomy for AD sign and symptom progression based on expert knowledge and generated three datasets: (1) a gold dataset annotated by human experts on longitudinal EHRs of AD patients; (2) a silver dataset created by the data-to-label method, which labels sentences from a public EHR collection with AD-related signs and symptoms; and (3) a bronze dataset created by the label-to-data method which generates sentences with AD-related signs and symptoms based on the label definition. We train a system to detect AD-related signs and symptoms from EHRs. We find that the silver and bronze datasets improves the system performance, outperforming the system using only the gold dataset. This shows that LLMs can generate synthetic clinical data for a complex task by incorporating expert knowledge, and our label-to-data method can produce datasets that are free of sensitive information, while maintaining acceptable quality.
Submission Number: 3826