28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: object detection, object recognition, deep learning
Abstract: Object detection remains one of the most notorious open problems in computer vision. Despite large strides in accuracy and speed in recent years, modern object detectors have started to saturate on popular benchmarks. How far can we push the detection accuracy with the current deep learning tools and tricks? In this work, by employing two popular state-of-the-art object detection benchmarks, MMDetection and Detectron2, and analyzing more than 15 models over 4 large-scale datasets, we systematically determine the upper bound in AP, which is 91.6% on PASCAL VOC (test2007), 78.2% on MS COCO (val2017), and 58.9% on OpenImages (V4 validation set), regardless of the IOU. These numbers are much higher than the mAP of the best model (e.g., 58% on MS COCO according to the most recent results). Interestingly, the gap seems to be almost closed at IOU=0.5. We also analyze the role of context in object recognition and detection and find that the canonical object size leads to the best recognition accuracy. Finally, we carefully characterize the sources of errors in deep object detectors and find that classification error (confusion with other classes and misses) explains the largest fraction of errors and weighs more than localization error. Further, models frequently miss small objects, more often than medium and large ones. Our work taps into the tight relationship between object recognition and detection and offers insights to build better object detectors. Similar analyses can also be conducted for other tasks in computer vision such as for instance segmentation and object tracking. The code is available at [TBA].
One-sentence Summary: We determine the empirical upper bound in mean average precision in object detection and show that models are performing much lower than this upper bound.
Code Of Ethics: I acknowledge that I and all co-authors of this work have read and commit to adhering to the ICLR Code of Ethics
Reviewed Version (pdf): https://openreview.net/references/pdf?id=c4TmqAXpzW
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