UTG: Towards a Unified View of Snapshot and Event Based Models for Temporal Graphs

Published: 16 Nov 2024, Last Modified: 26 Nov 2024LoG 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Temporal Graph Learning, Graph Representation Learning, Graph Neural Network
TL;DR: We introduce Unified Temporal Graph, a framework that unifies snapshot-based and event-based machine learning models under a single umbrella for temporal graph learning.
Abstract: Many real world graphs are inherently dynamic, constantly evolving with node and edge additions. These graphs can be represented by temporal graphs, either through a stream of edge events or a sequence of graph snapshots. Until now, the development of machine learning methods for both types has occurred largely in isolation, resulting in limited experimental comparison and theoretical cross- pollination between the two. In this paper, we introduce Unified Temporal Graph (UTG), a framework that unifies snapshot-based and event-based machine learning models under a single umbrella, enabling models developed for one representation to be applied effectively to datasets of the other. We also propose a novel UTG training procedure to boost the performance of snapshot-based models in the streaming setting. We comprehensively evaluate both snapshot and event-based models across both types of temporal graphs on the temporal link prediction task. Our main findings are threefold: first, when combined with UTG training, snapshot-based models can perform competitively with event- based models such as TGN and GraphMixer even on event datasets. Second, snapshot-based models are at least an order of magnitude faster than most event- based models during inference. Third, while event-based methods such as NAT and DyGFormer outperforms snapshot-based methods on both types of temporal graphs, this is because they leverage joint neighborhood structural features thus emphasizing the potential to incorporate these features into snapshot-based models as well. These findings highlight the importance of comparing model architectures independent of the data format and suggest the potential of combining the efficiency of snapshot-based models with the performance of event-based models in the future.
Supplementary Materials: zip
Submission Type: Full paper proceedings track submission (max 9 main pages).
Software: https://github.com/shenyangHuang/UTG
Poster: png
Poster Preview: png
Submission Number: 68