Keywords: Specification, Synthesis, Formal Methods, LLM
TL;DR: We study how including the output of formal methods tools in LLM prompts can affect specification synthesis.
Abstract: Formal specifications are supposed to unambigu-
ously describe the behaviour of (parts of) pro-
grams and are usually provided as extra annota-
tions of the program code. The intention is both
to document the code and to be able to automati-
cally check compliance of programs using formal
methods tools. Writing good specifications can
however be both difficult and time-consuming for
the programmer. In this case-study, we investigate
how GPT-4 can help with the task. We propose
a neuro-symbolic integration, by which we aug-
ment the LLM prompts with outputs from two
formal methods tools in the Frama-C ecosystem
(Pathcrawler and EVA), and produce C program
annotations in the specifications language ACSL.
We demonstrate how this impacts the quality of
annotations: information about input/output ex-
amples from Pathcrawler produce more context-
aware annotations, while the inclusion of EVA
reports yields annotations more attuned to run-
time errors.
Submission Number: 15