Measuring the Effectiveness of Self-Supervised Learning using Calibrated Learning CurvesDownload PDF

29 Sept 2021 (modified: 13 Feb 2023)ICLR 2022 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Self-Supervised Learning, Transfer Learning, Metric, Evaluation
Abstract: Self-supervised learning has witnessed remarkable progress in recent years, in particular with the introduction of augmentation-based contrastive methods. While a number of large-scale empirical studies on the performance of self-supervised pre-training have been conducted, there isn't yet an agreed upon set of control baselines, evaluation practices, and metrics to report. We identify this as an important angle of investigation and propose an evaluation standard that aims to quantify and communicate transfer learning performance in an informative yet accessible setup. This is done by baking in a number of key control baselines in the evaluation method, particularly the blind guess (quantifying the dataset bias), the scratch model (quantifying the architectural contribution), and the gold standard (quantifying the upper-bound). We further provide a number of experiments to demonstrate how the proposed evaluation can be employed in empirical studies of basic questions -- for example, whether the effectiveness of existing self-supervised learning methods is skewed towards image classification versus other tasks, such as dense pixel-wise predictions.
One-sentence Summary: We propose an evaluation standard for measuring the effectiveness of self-supervised learning based on incorporating important control baselines.
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