Functorial Clustering via Simplicial ComplexesDownload PDF

Published: 31 Oct 2020, Last Modified: 05 May 2023TDA & Beyond 2020 PosterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Simplicial Complex, Functor, Clustering
TL;DR: A characterization of clustering algorithms as functors that factor through a category of simplicial complexes
Abstract: We adapt previous research on topological unsupervised learning to characterize hierarchical overlapping clustering algorithms as functors that factor through a category of simplicial complexes. We first develop a pair of adjoint functors that map between simplicial complexes and the outputs of clustering algorithms. Next, we introduce the maximal and single linkage clustering algorithms as the respective composition of the flagification and connected components functors with McInnes et al's finite singular set functor. We then adapt a theorem by Culbertson et al to demonstrate that all other hierarchical overlapping clustering functors are refined by maximal linkage and refine single linkage.
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