Keywords: RML, SPARQL, RDF, Knowledge Graph, Big data, Semantic Query Optimisation, Apache Spark, Challenge
TL;DR: Report of performance and conformance results of the RDFProcessingToolkit system in the KGCW2024 challenge
Abstract: This is the report of the participation of the RDFProcessingToolkit (RPT) in the KGCW2024 Challenge at
ESWC 2024. The RPT system processes RML specifications by translating them into a series of extended
SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries. The necessary SPARQL extensions are provided as plugins for the
Apache Jena framework. This year’s challenge comprises a performance and conformance track. For the
performance challenge, the same hardware was kindly provided by the workshop organizers in order
to facilitate comparability of measurements. For the performance track, we mainly adapted the setup
from our last year’s participation. W.r.t. the conformance track, we updated our system with support for
the rml-core module of the upcoming RML revision. We also report on the issues and shortcomings we
encountered as a base for future improvements.
Submission Number: 15