Keywords: Linear classification, heavy hitters, kernel classification, streaming algorithms, sketching, tensors
Abstract: We study linear and kernel classification in the streaming model. For linear classification, we improve upon the algorithm of (Tai, et al. 2018), which solves the $\ell_1$ point query problem on the optimal weight vector $w_* \in \mathbb{R}^d$ in sublinear space. We first give an algorithm solving the more difficult $\ell_2$ point query problem on $w_*$, also in sublinear space. We also give an algorithm which solves the $\ell_2$ heavy hitter problem on $w_*$, in sublinear space and running time. Finally, we give an algorithm which can $\textit{deterministically}$ solve the $\ell_1$ point query problem on $w_*$, with sublinear space improving upon that of (Tai, et al. 2018). For kernel classification, if $w_* \in \mathbb{R}^{d^p}$ is the optimal weight vector classifying points in the stream according to their $p^{th}$-degree polynomial kernel, then we give an algorithm solving the $\ell_2$ point query problem on $w_*$ in $\text{poly}(\frac{p \log d}{\varepsilon})$ space, and an algorithm solving the $\ell_2$ heavy hitter problem in $\text{poly}(\frac{p \log d}{\varepsilon})$ space and running time. Note that our space and running time are polynomial in $p$, making our algorithms well-suited to high-degree polynomial kernels and the Gaussian kernel (approximated by the polynomial kernel of degree $p = \Theta(\log T)$).
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