Machine learning for industrial safety culture in the developing worldDownload PDF


15 Oct 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)Submitted to HAMLETS @ NeurIPS2020Readers: Everyone
TL;DR: Active and continual learning for adaption to safety compliance
Abstract: A disproportionate number of deaths and injuries in the workplace are concentrated in the developing world due to inadequate enforcement capabilities in such areas, a lack of capital equipment and a paucity of expertise. This requires solutions that enable automated detection of harmful violations of safety standards and sending appropriate warnings at real-time. We propose an automated method for highlighting such violations of safety measures by foregoing the usage of safety helmets, hard hats and similar safety equipment in the factory setting. A pipeline is proposed wherein camera feed at real-time is processed to detect the safety critical objects and their placement using a set of deep learning based architectures tailored for detection and localization under compute-constrained environments, with the helmet compliance sub-task treated as an exemplar of our approach.
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