How to Learn and Represent Abstractions: An Investigation using Symbolic AlchemyDownload PDF


30 Sept 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)NeurIPS 2021 Workshop MetaLearn Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Symbolic Alchemy, Meta-RL, Abstraction, Neuroscience
TL;DR: Using a variety of behavioral and introspective analyses we investigate how our trained agents use and represent abstract task variables in Symbolic Alchemy.
Abstract: Alchemy is a new meta-learning environment rich enough to contain interesting abstractions, yet simple enough to make fine-grained analysis tractable. Further, Alchemy provides an optional symbolic interface that enables meta-RL research without a large compute budget. In this work, we take the first steps toward using Symbolic Alchemy to identify design choices that enable deep-RL agents to learn various types of abstraction. Then, using a variety of behavioral and introspective analyses we investigate how our trained agents use and represent abstract task variables, and find intriguing connections to the neuroscience of abstraction. We conclude by discussing the next steps for using meta-RL and Alchemy to better understand the representation of abstract variables in the brain.
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