Differentiable Neuro-Symbolic Reasoning on Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs

Published: 21 Sept 2023, Last Modified: 26 Dec 2023NeurIPS 2023 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Neuro-Symbolic Reasoning, Knowledge graph embedding, Probabilistic soft logic
TL;DR: A differentiable nero-symbolic framwork is proposed for reasoning on large knowlege graph.
Abstract: Knowledge graph (KG) reasoning utilizes two primary techniques, i.e., rule-based and KG-embedding based. The former provides precise inferences, but inferring via concrete rules is not scalable. The latter enables efficient reasoning at the cost of ambiguous inference accuracy. Neuro-symbolic reasoning seeks to amalgamate the advantages of both techniques. The crux of this approach is replacing the predicted existence of all possible triples (i.e., truth scores inferred from rules) with a suitable approximation grounded in embedding representations. However, constructing an effective approximation of all possible triples' truth scores is a challenging task, because it needs to balance the tradeoff between accuracy and efficiency, while compatible with both the rule-based and KG-embedding models. To this end, we proposed a differentiable framework - DiffLogic. Instead of directly approximating all possible triples, we design a tailored filter to adaptively select essential triples based on the dynamic rules and weights. The truth scores assessed by KG-embedding are continuous, so we employ a continuous Markov logic network named probabilistic soft logic (PSL). It employs the truth scores of essential triples to assess the overall agreement among rules, weights, and observed triples. PSL enables end-to-end differentiable optimization, so we can alternately update embedding and weighted rules. On benchmark datasets, we empirically show that DiffLogic surpasses baselines in both effectiveness and efficiency.
Supplementary Material: pdf
Submission Number: 11489