Federated Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Privacy-preserving Recommendation

Published: 23 Jan 2024, Last Modified: 23 May 2024TheWebConf24 OralEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: federated recommendation,heterogeneous information network, privacy-preserving
TL;DR: This is a federated recommendation framework based on heterogeneous information network
Abstract: Heterogeneous information network (HIN), which contains rich semantics depicted by meta-paths, has become a powerful tool to alleviate data sparsity in recommender systems. Existing HIN-based recommendations hold the data centralized storage assumption and conduct centralized model training. However, the real-world data is often stored in a distributed manner for privacy concerns, resulting in the failure of centralized HIN-based recommendations. In this paper, we suggest the HIN is partitioned into private HINs stored in the client side and shared HINs in the server. Following this setting, we propose a federated heterogeneous graph neural network (FedHGNN) based framework, which can collaboratively train a recommendation model on distributed HINs without leaking user privacy. Specifically, we first formalize the privacy definition in the light of differential privacy for HIN-based federated recommendation, which aims to protect user-item interactions of private HIN as well as user's high-order patterns from shared HINs. To recover the broken meta-path based semantics caused by distributed data storage and satisfy the proposed privacy, we elaborately design a semantic-preserving user interactions publishing method, which locally perturbs user's high-order patterns as well as related user-item interactions for publishing. After that, we propose a HGNN model for recommendation, which conducts node- and semantic-level aggregations to capture recovered semantics. Extensive experiments on three datasets demonstrate our model outperforms existing methods by a large margin (up to 34% in HR@10 and 42% in NDCG@10) under an acceptable privacy budget.
Track: User Modeling and Recommendation
Submission Guidelines Scope: Yes
Submission Guidelines Blind: Yes
Submission Guidelines Format: Yes
Submission Guidelines Limit: Yes
Submission Guidelines Authorship: Yes
Student Author: Yes
Submission Number: 2334