DAQE: Exploring the Direct Assessment on Word-Level Quality Estimation in Machine TranslationDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Word-level Quality Estimation (QE) of Machine Translation (MT) helps to find out potential translation errors in translated sentences without reference. The current collection of QE datasets is typically based on the exact matching between the words from MT sentences and post-edited sentences through Translation Error Rate (TER) toolkit. However, we find that the data generated by TER cannot faithfully reflect human judgment, which can make the research deviate from the correct direction. To overcome the limitation, we for the first time collect the direct assessment (DA) dataset for the word-level QE task, namely DAQE, which contains the golden corpus annotated by expert translators on two language pairs. Furthermore, we propose two tag correcting strategies, namely tag refinement strategy and tree-based annotation strategy, to make the TER-based artificial QE tags closer to human judgement, so that the corrected TER-based data can be used to improve the QE performance during pre-training. We conduct detailed experiments on our collected DAQE dataset, as well as comparison with the TER-based QE dataset MLQE-PE. The results not only show our proposed dataset DAQE is more consistent with human judgment but also confirm the effectiveness of the pre-training approach with the tag correcting strategies.
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