Towards transferring algorithm configurations across problemsDownload PDF

Published: 12 Dec 2020, Last Modified: 05 May 2023LMCA2020 PosterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: metaheuristics, transfer learning, algorithm configuration
TL;DR: We show a proof of concept of transfer learning of configurations for optimization algorithms across different problems.
Abstract: Automatic approaches for algorithm configuration and design have received significant attention in the last years, thanks to both the potential to obtain high performing algorithms, and the ease for algorithm designers and practitioners. One limitation of current methods is the need to repeat the task for every new scenario encountered. We show how the observation of problem-independent features of the solution landscape can enable the use of past experiments to infer good configurations for unseen scenarios, both in case of new instances and new problems. As a proof of concept, we report preliminary experiments obtained when configuring a metaheuristic with two parameters.
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