Towards Counteracting Adversarial Perturbations to Resist Adversarial ExamplesDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: adversarial robustness, resisting adversarial examples
Abstract: Studies show that neural networks are susceptible to adversarial attacks. This exposes a potential threat to neural network-based artificial intelligence systems. We observe that the probability of the correct result outputted by the network increases by applying small perturbations generated for class labels other than the original predicted one to adversarial examples. Based on this observation, we propose a method of counteracting adversarial perturbations to resist adversarial examples. In our method, we randomly select a number of class labels and generate small perturbations for these selected labels. The generated perturbations are added together and then clamped to a specified space. The obtained perturbation is finally added to the adversarial example to counteract the adversarial perturbation contained in the example. The proposed method is applied at inference time and does not require retraining or finetuning the model. We validate the proposed method on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100. The experimental results demonstrate that our method effectively improves the defense performance of the baseline methods, especially against strong adversarial examples generated using more iterations.
One-sentence Summary: This paper proposes a method that uses small first-order perturbations to defend against adversarial attacks.
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