Keywords: web videos, diverse manipulation
TL;DR: We can train a model for embodiment-agnostic point track prediction from web videos combined with embodiment-specific residual policy learning for diverse real-world manipulation in everyday office and kitchen scenes.
Abstract: We seek to learn a generalizable goal-conditioned policy that enables diverse robot manipulation — interacting with unseen objects in novel scenes without test-time adaptation. While typical approaches rely on a large amount of demonstration data for such generalization, we propose an approach that leverages web videos to predict plausible interaction plans and learns a task-agnostic transformation to obtain robot actions in the real world. Our framework, Track2Act predicts tracks of how points in an image should move in future time-steps based on a goal, and can be trained with diverse videos on the web including those of humans and robots manipulating everyday objects. We use these 2D track predictions to infer a sequence of rigid transforms of the object to be manipulated, and obtain robot end-effector poses that can be executed in an open-loop manner. We then refine this open-loop plan by predicting residual actions through a closed loop policy trained with a few embodiment-specific demonstrations. We show that this approach of combining scalably learned track prediction with a residual policy requiring minimal in-domain robot-specific data enables diverse generalizable robot manipulation, and present a wide array of real-world robot manipulation results across unseen tasks, objects, and scenes.
Previous Publication: Yes
Submission Number: 32