The Dark Side of Empathy: When Dialogue Systems Face Moral Challenges

21 Sept 2023 (modified: 25 Mar 2024)ICLR 2024 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: empathy, morality, dialogue
Abstract: Empathy has long been considered a key component in building helpful and trustful dialogue systems. However, as these systems are used in a broad range of scenarios, they may also face many challenging contexts requiring them to show empathy in a more elaborate manner. In this paper, we investigate the dark side of the dialogue model's empathy in responding to immoral contexts, a typical collection of contexts that can induce empathetic but inappropriate responses due to the misuse of empathy strategies. Specifically, we summarize five types of adversarial contexts containing unethical behaviors and construct a corresponding dataset containing 10K adversarial contexts. Then, we use these contexts to assess popular traditional conversational models and demonstrate their vulnerability in dealing with such attacks. To address this problem, we design a pipeline approach to construct responses that incorporate ethics and empathy based on rules of thumb (RoTs). We show that after being fine-tuned on the constructed responses, traditional dialogue models exhibit improved ability to handle the adversarial contexts containing unethical behaviors. We also manually create a hard test containing implicitly immoral contexts. Experiments demonstrate that even SOTA AI assistants such as ChatGPT and Claude would generate significantly more immoral responses when responding to these implicitly immoral contexts with empathy. Based on experiments conducted on both traditional dialogue systems and advanced AI assistants, we systematically summarize the impact of empathy when dialogue systems face moral challenges. We will release our code and data to facilitate further research.
Primary Area: societal considerations including fairness, safety, privacy
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Submission Number: 3329