Track: Graph algorithms and modeling for the Web
Keywords: Dynamic graphs, Ranking, Disentangled representation learning
Abstract: Ranking is an essential and practical task on dynamic graphs, which aims to prioritize future interaction candidates for given queries. While existing solutions achieve promising ranking performance, they leverage a single listwise loss to jointly optimize candidate sets, which leads to the gradient vanishing issue; and they employ neural networks to model complex temporal structures within a shared latent space, which fails to accurately capture multi-scale temporal patterns due to the frequency aliasing issue. To address these issues, we propose BandRank, a novel and robust band-pass disentangled ranking approach for dynamic graphs in the frequency domain. Concretely, we propose a band-pass disentangled representation (BPDR) approach, which disentangles complex temporal structures into multiple frequency bands and employs non-shared frequency-enhanced multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) to model each band independently. We prove that our BPDR approach ensures effective multi-scale learning for temporal structures by demonstrating its multi-scale global convolution property. Besides, we design a robust Harmonic Ranking (HR) loss to jointly optimize candidate sets and continuously track comparisons between real and virtual candidates, where we theoretically guarantee its ability to alleviate the gradient vanishing issue. Extensive experimental results show that our BandRank achieves an average improvement of 21.31% against eight baselines while demonstrating superior robustness across different learning scenarios.
Submission Number: 920