Improving generalisability of 3D binding affinity models in low data regimes

Published: 11 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 07 Nov 2024Neurips 2024 Workshop FM4Science PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: GNN, pre-training, AI, QM, diffusion, binding affinity, drug discovery, protein ligand, 3D, EGNN, hydrogens
TL;DR: Using the PDBBind dataset, we show that 3D global models are better for predicting protein-ligand binding affinity in low data regimes and that pre-training strategies and explicit hydrogen modelling are important for generalisability.
Abstract: Predicting protein-ligand binding affinity is an essential part of computer-aided drug design. However, generalisable and performant global binding affinity models remain elusive, particularly in low data regimes. Despite the evolution of model architectures, current benchmarks are not well-suited to probe the generalisability of 3D binding affinity models. Furthermore, 3D global architectures such as GNNs have not lived up to performance expectations. To investigate these issues, we introduce a novel split of the \pdbbind dataset, minimizing similarity leakage between train and test sets and allowing for a fair and direct comparison between various model architectures. On this low similarity split, we demonstrate that, in general, 3D global models are superior to protein-specific local models in low data regimes. We also demonstrate that the performance of GNNs benefits from three novel contributions: supervised pre-training via quantum mechanical data, unsupervised pre-training via small molecule diffusion, and explicitly modeling hydrogen atoms in the input graph. We believe that this work introduces promising new approaches to unlock the potential of GNN architectures for binding affinity modelling.
Submission Number: 55