CHOSEN: Contrastive Hypothesis Selection for Multi-View Depth Refinement

Published: 09 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 16 Sept 2024ECCV 2024 Wild3DEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Multiview Stereo, Depth refinement, 3D reconstruction
TL;DR: A multiview depth refinement module based on contrastive learning, which iteratively samples and selects the best depth hypothesis
Abstract: We propose CHOSEN, a simple yet flexible, robust and effective multi-view depth refinement framework. It can provide significant improvement in depth and normal quality, and can be integrated in existing multi-view stereo pipelines with minimal modifications. Given an initial depth estimation, CHOSEN iteratively re-samples and selects the best hypotheses. The key to our approach is the application of contrastive learning in an appropriate solution space and a carefully designed hypothesis feature, based on which positive and negative hypotheses can be effectively distinguished. We integrated CHOSEN in a basic multi-view stereo pipeline, and show that it can deliver impressive quality in terms of depth and normal accuracy compared to many other top deep learning based multi-view stereo pipelines.
Submission Number: 1