Creating Robust Deep Neural Networks With Coded Distributed Computing for IoT SystemsDownload PDF

21 Dec 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)tinyML 2021 Research Symposium Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: The increasing interest in serverless computation and ubiquitous wireless networks has led to numerous connected devices in our surroundings. Among such devices, IoT devices have access to an abundance of raw data, but their inadequate resources in computing limit their capabilities. Specifically, with the emergence of deep neural networks (DNNs), not only is the demand for the computing power of IoT devices increasing but also privacy concerns are pushing computations towards the edge. To overcome inadequate resources, several studies have proposed the distribution of work among IoT devices. These promising methods harvest the aggregated computing power of the idle IoT devices in an environment. However, since such a distributed system strongly relies on each device, unstable latencies, and intermittent failures, the common characteristics of IoT devices and wireless networks, cause high recovery overheads. To reduce this overhead, we propose a novel robustness method with a close-to-zero recovery latency for DNN computations. Our solution never loses a request or spends time recovering from a failure. To do so, first, we analyze the underlying matrix-matrix computations affected by distribution. Then, we introduce a new coded distributed computing (CDC) method that has a constant cost with the increasing number of devices, unlike the linear cost of modular redundancies. Moreover, our method is applied in the library level, without requiring extensive changes to the program, while still ensuring a balanced work assignment during distribution. To illustrate our method, we perform experiments with distributed systems comprising up to 12 Raspberry Pis.
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