Representation and Bias in Multilingual NLP: Insights from Controlled Experiments on Conditional Language ModelingDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: multilinguality, science for NLP, fundamental science in the era of AI/DL, representation learning for language, conditional language modeling, Transformer, Double Descent, non-monotonicity, fairness, meta evaluation, visualization or interpretation of learned representations
Abstract: Inspired by the phenomenon of performance disparity between languages in machine translation, we investigate whether and to what extent languages are equally hard to "conditional-language-model". Our goal is to improve our understanding and expectation of the relationship between language, data representation, size, and performance. We study one-to-one, bilingual conditional language modeling through a series of systematically controlled experiments with the Transformer and the 6 languages from the United Nations Parallel Corpus. We examine character, byte, and word models in 30 language directions and 5 data sizes, and observe indications suggesting a script bias on the character level, a length bias on the byte level, and a word bias that gives rise to a hierarchy in performance across languages. We also identify two types of sample-wise non-monotonicity --- while word-based representations are prone to exhibit Double Descent, length can induce unstable performance across the size range studied in a novel meta phenomenon which we term "erraticity". By eliminating statistically significant performance disparity on the character and byte levels by normalizing length and vocabulary in the data, we show that, in the context of computing with the Transformer, there is no complexity intrinsic to languages other than that related to their statistical attributes and that performance disparity is not a necessary condition but a byproduct of word segmentation. Our application of statistical comparisons as a fairness measure also serves as a novel rigorous method for the intrinsic evaluation of languages, resolving a decades-long debate on language complexity. While these quantitative biases leading to disparity are mitigable through a shallower network, we find room for a human bias to be reflected upon. We hope our work helps open up new directions in the area of language and computing that would be fairer and more flexible and foster a new transdisciplinary perspective for DL-inspired scientific progress.
One-sentence Summary: We study the relationship between language, representation, size, and performance in Transformer conditional language models, and find, among other things, that statistically significant performance disparity can be a byproduct of word segmentation.
Code Of Ethics: I acknowledge that I and all co-authors of this work have read and commit to adhering to the ICLR Code of Ethics
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