Continual Pre-training of Language Models for Math Problem Understanding with Syntax-Aware Memory NetworkDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Recently, pre-trained language models (PLMs) have shown effectiveness in domain transfer and task adaption. However, two major challenges limit the effectiveness of transferring PLMs into math problem understanding tasks. First, a math problem usually contains a textual description and formulas. The two types of information have a natural semantic gap. Second, textual and formula information is essential to each other, it is hard but necessary to deeply fuse the two types of information. To address these issues, we enrich the formula information by combining the syntax semantics of the text to construct the math syntax graph, and design the syntax-aware memory networks to deeply fuse the characteristics from the graph and text. With the help of syntax relations, the token from the text can trace its semantic-related nodes within the formulas, which is able to capture the fine-grained correlations between text and formulas. Besides, we also devise three continual pre-training tasks to further align and fuse the representations of the text and graph. Experimental results on four tasks in the math domain demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
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