Distributional Scaling Laws for Emergent Capabilities

Published: 10 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 09 Nov 2024SciForDL PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
TL;DR: Using a length generalization task as a case study, we show that different random seeds lead to both highly linear or emergent behavior across scales, with scaling width vs scaling depth having distinct effects.
Abstract: In this paper, we explore the nature of sudden breakthroughs in language model performance at scale, which stands in contrast to smooth improvements governed by scaling laws. While advocates of ``emergence" argue that abrupt performance gains arise from acquiring new capabilities at specific scales, recent work has suggested that these are illusions caused by thresholding effects. We propose an alternative explanation: that breakthroughs are driven by random variation, particularly multimodal performance distributions across random seeds. Using a length generalization task as a case study, we show that different random seeds lead to both highly linear or emergent behavior. We further demonstrate that the probability of a model acquiring a breakthrough capability increases continuously with scale, despite apparent discontinuities in performance. Additionally, we find that scaling models in width versus depth has distinct effects: depth impacts the likelihood of sampling from a successful distribution, while width improves the average performance of successful models. These insights suggest a need to consider the role of random variation in scaling and emergent capabilities in LMs.
Style Files: I have used the style files.
Debunking Challenge: This submission is an entry to the debunking challenge.
Submission Number: 60