ML Agent Safety Mechanisms based on Counterfactual PlanningDownload PDF

21 May 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)NeurIPS 2021 SubmittedReaders: Everyone
Abstract: We present counterfactual planning as a design approach for creating a range of safety mechanisms for machine learning agents. We specifically target the safety problem of keeping control over hypothetical future AGI agents. The key step in counterfactual planning is to use the agent's machine learning system to construct a counterfactual world model, designed to be different from the real world the agent is in. A counterfactual planning agent determines the action that best maximizes expected utility in this counterfactual planning world, and then performs the same action in the real world. The design approach is built around a two-diagram graphical notation that provides a specific vantage point on the construction of online machine learning agents, a vantage point designed to make the problem of control more tractable. We show two examples where the construction of a counterfactual planning world acts to suppress certain unsafe agent incentives, incentives for the agent to take control over its own safety mechanisms.
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