Measuring Context-Dependent Syntactic Information Across LayersDownload PDF


16 Jan 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2022 January Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Probing studies have extensively explored where in neural language models linguistic information is located. While probing classifiers are a common instrument to approach such questions, it is less clear what evaluation metrics to choose, how to compare probes, and which baselines to use. We identify angles from which the question how linguistic information is structured within a model can be approached and propose two new setups that fill the gap of explicitly modelling local information gain compared to the previous layer.We apply the new setups, along with two from the literature, to probe models for a syntactic property that explicitly needs context to be retrieved: part-of-speech tags that are not the most common for a specific token. We test the hypothesis that more information is retrieved in deeper layers than for the most common tags, and find that while this is often true, the manifestation varies among metrics and models in different languages.
Paper Type: short
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