MatFormer: Nested Transformer for Elastic Inference

Published: 25 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 06 Nov 2024NeurIPS 2024 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Transformer, Large-scale deployment, Efficiency
TL;DR: We present MatFormer, a natively elastic Transformer architecture that allows training a single universal model which can be used to extract hundreds of smaller accurate submodels at zero additional cost.
Abstract: Foundation models are applied in a broad spectrum of settings with different inference constraints, from massive multi-accelerator clusters to resource-constrained standalone mobile devices. However, the substantial costs associated with training these models often limit the number of unique model sizes that can be offered. Consequently, practitioners are compelled to select a model that may not be optimally aligned with their specific latency and cost requirements. We present MatFormer, a novel Transformer architecture designed to provide elastic inference across diverse deployment constraints. MatFormer achieves this by incorporating a nested Feed Forward Network (FFN) block structure within a standard Transformer model. During training, we optimize the parameters of multiple nested FFN blocks with varying sizes, enabling the extraction of hundreds of accurate smaller models without incurring additional computational costs. We empirically validate the efficacy of MatFormer across different model classes (decoders and encoders) and modalities (language and vision), demonstrating its potential for real-world deployment. We show that a 850M decoder-only MatFormer language model (MatLM) allows us to extract multiple smaller models spanning from 582M to 850M parameters, each exhibiting better validation loss and one-shot downstream evaluations than independently trained counterparts. Furthermore, we observe that smaller encoders extracted from a universal MatFormer-based ViT (MatViT) encoder preserve the metric-space structure for adaptive large-scale retrieval. Finally, we showcase that speculative decoding with the accurate and consistent submodels extracted from MatFormer can lead to significant reduction in inference latency.
Primary Area: Deep learning architectures
Submission Number: 5524