What Should a (Future) Deep Learning Theory Look Like? A Phenomenological Perspective

TMLR Paper421 Authors

10 Sept 2022 (modified: 28 Feb 2023)Rejected by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: To advance deep learning methodologies in the next decade, a theoretical framework for reasoning about modern neural networks is needed. While efforts are increasing toward demystifying why deep learning is so effective, a comprehensive picture remains lacking, suggesting that a better theory is possible. We argue that a future deep learning theory should inherit three characteristics: a \textit{hierarchically} structured network architecture, parameters \textit{iteratively} optimized using stochastic gradient-based methods, and information from the data that evolves \textit{compressively}. As an instantiation, we integrate these characteristics into a graphical model called \textit{neurashed}. This model effectively explains some common empirical patterns in deep learning. In particular, neurashed enables insights into implicit regularization, information bottleneck, and local elasticity. Finally, we discuss how neurashed can guide the development of deep learning theories.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Dumitru_Erhan1
Submission Number: 421