Unbiased Representation of Electronic Health Records for Patient Outcome PredictionDownload PDF

Published: 01 Feb 2023, Last Modified: 13 Feb 2023Submitted to ICLR 2023Readers: Everyone
Keywords: Deep Learning, Electronic Health Records Representation Learning, Healthcare AI, Model Fairness
Abstract: Fairness is one of the newly emerging focuses for building trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) models. One of the reasons resulting in an unfair model is the algorithm bias towards different groups of samples. A biased model may benefit certain groups but disfavor others. As a result, leaving the fairness problem unresolved might have a significant negative impact, especially in the context of healthcare applications. Integrating both domain-specific and domain-invariant representations, we propose a masked triple attention transformer encoder (MTATE) to learn unbiased and fair data representations of different subpopulations. Specifically, MTATE includes multiple domain classifiers and uses three attention mechanisms to effectively learn the representations of diverse subpopulations. In the experiment on real-world healthcare data, MTATE performed the best among the compared models regarding overall performance and fairness.
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