Robust Contextual Linear Bandits

TMLR Paper1387 Authors

17 Jul 2023 (modified: 11 Oct 2023)Rejected by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: Model misspecification is a major consideration in applications of statistical methods and machine learning. However, it is often neglected in contextual bandits. This paper studies a common form of misspecification, an inter-arm heterogeneity that is not captured by context. To address this issue, we assume that the heterogeneity arises due to arm-specific random variables, which can be learned. We call this setting a robust contextual bandit. The arm-specific variables explain the unknown inter-arm heterogeneity, and we incorporate them in the robust contextual estimator of the mean reward and its uncertainty. We develop two efficient bandit algorithms for our setting: a UCB algorithm called RoLinUCB and a posterior-sampling algorithm called RoLinTS. We analyze both algorithms and bound their $n$-round Bayes regret. Our experiments show that RoLinTS is comparably statistically efficient to the classic methods when the misspecification is low, more robust when the misspecification is high, and significantly more computationally efficient than its naive implementation.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Changes Since Last Submission: The modifications have been marked in blue.
Assigned Action Editor: ~Fredrik_Daniel_Johansson1
Submission Number: 1387