Inferring Hierarchical Structure in Multi-Room Maze Environments

Published: 19 Jun 2023, Last Modified: 28 Jul 20231st SPIGM @ ICML PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: structure learning, active inference, navigation, spatial hierarchical model, temporal hierarchical model
TL;DR: Hierarchical active inference model addressing the challenge of inferring structure in the world from pixel-based observations planning at differ- ent levels of reasoning from context to place to motion.
Abstract: Cognitive maps play a crucial role in facilitating flexible behaviour by representing spatial and conceptual relationships within an environment. The ability to learn and infer the underlying structure of the environment is crucial for effective exploration and navigation. This paper introduces a hierarchical active inference model addressing the challenge of inferring structure in the world from pixel-based observations. We propose a three-layer hierarchical model consisting of a cognitive map, an allocentric, and an egocentric world model, combining curiosity-driven exploration with goal-oriented behaviour at the different levels of reasoning from context to place to motion. This allows for efficient exploration and goal-directed search in room-structured mini-grid environments.
Submission Number: 24