PAVI: Plate-Amortized Variational InferenceDownload PDF

Published: 01 Feb 2023, Last Modified: 02 Mar 2025Submitted to ICLR 2023Readers: Everyone
Keywords: structured Variational Inference, Bayesian inference, Hierarchical Bayesian Models, Inference amortization, Neuroimaging
TL;DR: We share a variational family's parameterization and learning across a model's plates to tackle efficiently very large plate cardinality regimes.
Abstract: Given observed data and a probabilistic generative model, Bayesian inference aims at obtaining the distribution of a model’s latent parameters that could have yielded the data. This task is challenging for large population studies where thousands of measurements are performed over a cohort of hundreds of subjects, resulting in a massive latent parameter space. This large cardinality renders off-the-shelf Variational Inference (VI) computationally impractical. In this work, we design structured VI families that can efficiently tackle large population studies. Our main idea is to share the parameterization and learning across the different i.i.d. variables in a generative model --symbolized by the model’s plates. We name this concept plate amortization, and illustrate the powerful synergies it entitles, resulting in expressive, parsimoniously parameterized and orders of magnitude faster to train large scale hierarchical variational distributions. We illustrate the practical utility of PAVI through a challenging Neuroimaging example featuring a million latent parameters, demonstrating a significant step towards scalable and expressive Variational Inference.
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Please Choose The Closest Area That Your Submission Falls Into: Probabilistic Methods (eg, variational inference, causal inference, Gaussian processes)
Supplementary Material: zip
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