Minimalistic Predictions for Online Class Constraint Scheduling

Published: 22 Jan 2025, Last Modified: 28 Feb 2025ICLR 2025 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Scheduling, Class Constraints, Predictions, Online Algorithms
TL;DR: We use minimal predictions to solve class constrained scheduling and improve bounds on the competitive ratio.
Abstract: We consider online scheduling with class constraints. That is, we are given $m$ machines, each with $k$ class slots. Upon receiving a job $j$ with class $c_j$, an algorithm needs to allocate $j$ on some machine $i$. The goal is to minimize the makespan while not assigning more than $k$ different classes onto each machine. While the offline case is well understood and even (E)PTAS results are known [Jansen, Lassota, Maack SPAA'20, Chen Jansen Luo Zhang COCOA'16], the online case admits strong impossibility results in classical competitive analysis [Epstein, Lassota, Levin, Maack, Rohwedder STACS'22]. We overcome these daunting results by investigating the problem in a learning-augmented setting where an algorithm can access possibly erroneous predictions. We present new algorithms with competitive ratios independent of $m$ and tight lower bounds for several classical and problem-specific prediction models. We thereby give a structured overview of what additional information helps in the design of better scheduling algorithms.
Primary Area: optimization
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Submission Number: 7174