Representational aspects of depth and conditioning in normalizing flowsDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: normalizing flows, representational power, conditioning, depth, theory
Abstract: Normalizing flows are among the most popular paradigms in generative modeling, especially for images, primarily because we can efficiently evaluate the likelihood of a data point. This is desirable both for evaluating the fit of a model, and for ease of training, as maximizing the likelihood can be done by gradient descent. However, training normalizing flows comes with difficulties as well: models which produce good samples typically need to be extremely deep -- which comes with accompanying vanishing/exploding gradient problems. A very related problem is that they are often poorly \emph{conditioned}: since they are parametrized as invertible maps from $\mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}^d$, and typical training data like images intuitively is lower-dimensional, the learned maps often have Jacobians that are close to being singular. In our paper, we tackle representational aspects around depth and conditioning of normalizing flows---both for general invertible architectures, and for a particular common architecture---affine couplings. For general invertible architectures, we prove that invertibility comes at a cost in terms of depth: we show examples where a much deeper normalizing flow model may need to be used to match the performance of a non-invertible generator. For affine couplings, we first show that the choice of partitions isn't a likely bottleneck for depth: we show that any invertible linear map (and hence a permutation) can be simulated by a constant number of affine coupling layers, using a fixed partition. This shows that the extra flexibility conferred by 1x1 convolution layers, as in GLOW, can in principle be simulated by increasing the size by a constant factor. Next, in terms of conditioning, we show that affine couplings are universal approximators -- provided the Jacobian of the model is allowed to be close to singular. We furthermore empirically explore the benefit of different kinds of padding -- a common strategy for improving conditioning.
One-sentence Summary: Provable tradeoffs between conditioning/depth and representational power for normalizing flows.
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