CookingCLIP:Learning a Contextualized Multimodal Embedding from Instructional Cooking Videos for Zero-shot Recipe Generation

21 Sept 2023 (modified: 25 Mar 2024)ICLR 2024 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: CookingCLIP:Learning a Contextualized Multimodal Embedding from Instructional Cooking Videos for Zero-shot Recipe Generation
Abstract: Cooking is one of the oldest and the most common human activities in daily life. Instructional cooking videos have also become one of the most common data sources for multi-modal visual understanding research, compared to general domains, cooking videos: (1) not only have a significantly stronger cross-modal dependency between the speech texts and their corresponding visual frames at each individual step, (2) but also have a significantly stronger cross-context dependency between sequential steps along their temporal dimensions, making it an ideal domain for contextualized multi-modal embedding and semantic understanding. This paper proposes CookingCLIP, which introduces the latest CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) embedding from the general domain into the specific domain of cooking understanding and makes two adaptions upon the original CLIP embedding for better customization to the cooking understanding problems: (1) from the upstream perspective, we extend the static multi-modal CLIP embedding with a temporal dimension, to facilitate context-aware semantic understanding; (2) from the downstream perspective, we introduce the concept of zero-shot embedding to sequence-to-sequence dense prediction domains, facilitating CLIP being not only capable of telling “ Which ” (cross-modal recipe generation), but also capable of telling “ When ” (cross-context recipe localization). Experiments conducted on two challenging cooking caption generation benchmarks, YouCook2 and CrossTask, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed embedding. The code will be released.
Primary Area: representation learning for computer vision, audio, language, and other modalities
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Submission Number: 3855