Neural Action Policy Safety Verification: Applicablity Filtering

Published: 12 Feb 2024, Last Modified: 06 Mar 2024ICAPS 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Neural Action Policies, Safety Verification, Predicate Abstraction
Abstract: Neural networks (NN) are an increasingly important representation of action policies pi. Applicability filtering is a commonly used practice in this context, restricting the action selection in pi to only applicable actions. Policy predicate abstraction (PPA) has recently been introduced to verify safety of neural pi, through over-approximating the state space subgraph induced by pi. Thus far however, PPA does not permit applicability filtering, which is challenging due to the additional constraints that need to be taken into account. Here we overcome that limitation, through a range of algorithmic enhancements. In our experiments, our enhancements achieve several orders of magnitude speed-up over a baseline implementation, bringing PPA with applicability filtering close to the performance of PPA without such filtering.
Category: Short
Student: Graduate
Supplemtary Material: pdf
Submission Number: 17