Adversarially Robust Learning with ToleranceDownload PDF

16 May 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)NeurIPS 2022 SubmittedReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Statistical Learning Theory, PAC Learning, Adversarial Learning, Compression, Perturb and Smooth
TL;DR: We show how introducing tolerance in the framework of adversarial PAC learning yields the first sample complexity bound for the common and practical perturb-and-smooth approach.
Abstract: We initiate the study of tolerant adversarial PAC learning with respect to metric perturbation sets. In adversarial PAC learning, an adversary is allowed to replace a test point $x$ with an arbitrary point in a closed ball of radius $r$ centered at $x$. In the tolerant version, the error of the learner is compared with the best achievable error with respect to a slightly larger perturbation radius $(1+\gamma)r$. This simple tweak helps us bridge the gap between theory and practice and obtain the first PAC-type guarantees for algorithmic techniques that are popular in practice. Furthermore, our sample complexity bounds improve exponentially over best known (non-tolerant) bounds in terms of the VC dimension of the hypothesis class. In particular, for perturbation sets with doubling dimension $d$, we show that a variant of the ``perturb-and-smooth'' algorithm PAC learns any hypothesis class $H$ with VC dimension $v$ in the $\gamma$-tolerant adversarial setting with $O\left(\frac{v(1+1/\gamma)^{O(d)}}{\varepsilon}\right)$ samples. This guarantee holds in the tolerant robust realizable setting. We extend this to the agnostic case by designing a novel sample compression scheme based on the perturb-and-smooth approach. This compression-based algorithm has a linear dependence on the doubling dimension as well as the VC-dimension.
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