Planning Domain Simulation: An Interactive System for Plan Visualisation

Published: 12 Feb 2024, Last Modified: 06 Mar 2024ICAPS 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Knowledge Representation, Automated Planning, Plan Visualisation, Unity
Abstract: Representing and manipulating domain knowledge is essential for developing systems that can visualize plans. This paper presents a novel plan visualisation system called Planning Domain Simulation (PDSim) that employs knowledge representation and manipulation techniques to support the plan visualization process. PDSim can use PDDL or the Unified Planning Library Python representation as the underlying language for modelling planning problems and provides an interface for users to manipulate this representation through interaction with the Unity game engine and a set of planners. The system’s features include visualising plan components, and their relationships, identifying plan conflicts, and examples applied to real-world problems. A user evaluation has been conducted to compare PDSim against the standard way using text editors and planners and to evaluate the perceived usefulness and ease of use of PDSim as an additional tool used by students for knowledge representation modelling and automated planning. The benefits and limitations of PDSim are also discussed, highlighting future research directions in the area.
Primary Keywords: Applications, Knowledge Representation/Engineering
Category: Long
Student: Graduate
Submission Number: 376