Real-Time Simulated Avatar from Head-Mounted Sensors

Published: 08 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 08 Jun 2024CVPR 2024 Workshop POETS 2nd Round OralEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Simulated Humanoid, Egocentric Pose Estimation, AR/VR/XR
TL;DR: We control a simulated avatar from information (headset pose and cameras) obtained from AR / VR headsets.
Abstract: We present SimXR, a method for controlling a simulated avatar from information (headset pose and cameras) obtained from AR / VR headsets. Due to the challenging viewpoint of head-mounted cameras, the human body is often clipped out of view, making traditional image-based egocentric pose estimation challenging. On the other hand, headset poses provide valuable information about overall body motion, but lack fine-grained details about the hands and feet. To synergize headset poses with cameras, we control a humanoid to track headset movement while analyzing input images to decide body movement. When body parts are seen, the movements of hands and feet will be guided by the images; when unseen, the laws of physics guide the controller to generate plausible motion. We design an end-to-end method that does not rely on any intermediate representations and learns to directly map from images and headset poses to humanoid control signals. To train our method, we also propose a large-scale synthetic dataset created using camera configurations compatible with a commercially available VR headset (Quest 2) and show promising results on real-world captures. To demonstrate the applicability of our framework, we also test it on an AR headset with a forward-facing camera.
Submission Number: 13