Better Sample Efficiency Does Not Imply Out-of-Distribution RobustnessDownload PDF


16 Oct 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 October Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: We study the relationship between sample efficiency and out-of-distribution performance---if two models have the same in-distribution performance, does the model trained on fewer labeled training examples (higher sample efficiency) perform better out-of-distribution? First, we find that models with higher sample efficiency can have worse out-of-distribution robustness than models that are less sample-efficient. We then empirically study the correlation between sample efficiency and out-of-distribution robustness across three tasks, 23 total ID-OOD settings, and four broadly-applicable methods that change sample efficiency: (1) changing the pre-training data source; (2) using natural language prompts; (3) increasing model size; and (4) increasing the amount of pre-training data. Given that better sample efficiency does not necessarily give rise to robust models, our results underscore the importance of developing and evaluating whether interventions jointly improve both.
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