Learning to Teach with Student FeedbackDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Knowledge distillation (KD) has gained much attention due to its effectiveness in compressing large-scale pre-trained models. In typical KD methods, the small student model is trained to match the soft targets generated by the big teacher model. However, the interaction between student and teacher is one-way. The teacher is usually fixed once trained, resulting in static soft targets to be distilled. This one-way interaction leads to the teacher's inability to perceive the characteristics of the student and its training progress. To address this issue, we propose Interactive Knowledge Distillation (IKD), which also allows the teacher to learn to teach from the feedback of the student. In particular, IKD trains the teacher model to generate specific soft target at each training step for a certain student. Joint optimization for both teacher and student is achieved by two iterative steps: a course step to optimize student with the soft target of teacher, and an exam step to optimize teacher with the feedback of student. IKD is a general framework that is orthogonal to most existing knowledge distillation methods. Experimental results show that IKD outperforms traditional KD methods on various NLP tasks.
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