Transformer Neural Autoregressive Flows

Published: 17 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 15 Jul 20242nd SPIGM @ ICML PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: normalizing flows, neural autoregressive flows, density estimation, transformer
TL;DR: We extend the Neural Autoregressive Flow family with a new model called Transformer Neural Autoregressive Flow (T-NAF) which is based on a transformer conditioner
Abstract: Density estimation, a central problem in machine learning, can be performed using Normalizing Flows (NFs). NFs comprise a sequence of invertible transformations, that turn a complex target distribution into a simple one, by exploiting the change of variables theorem. Neural Autoregressive Flows (NAFs) and Block Neural Autoregressive Flows (B-NAFs) are arguably the most perfomant members of the NF family. However, they suffer scalability issues and training instability due to the constraints imposed on the network structure. In this paper, we propose a novel solution to these challenges by exploiting transformers to define a new class of neural flows called Transformer Neural Autoregressive Flows (T-NAFs). T-NAFs treat each dimension of a random variable as a separate input token, using attention masking to enforce an autoregressive constraint. We take an amortization-inspired approach where the transformer outputs the parameters of an invertible transformation. The experimental results demonstrate that T-NAFs consistently match or outperform NAFs and B-NAFs across multiple datasets from the UCI benchmark. Remarkably, T-NAFs achieve these results using an order of magnitude fewer parameters than previous approaches, without composing multiple flows.
Submission Number: 118