Learning Dense Convolutional Embeddings for Semantic SegmentationDownload PDF

25 Apr 2024 (modified: 18 Feb 2016)ICLR 2016 workshop submissionReaders: Everyone
CMT Id: 57
Abstract: This paper proposes a new deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) architecture that learns pixel embeddings, such that pairwise distances between the embeddings can be used to infer whether or not the pixels lie in the same region. That is, for any two pixels on the same object, the embeddings are trained to be similar; for any pair that straddles an object boundary, the embeddings are trained to be dissimilar. Experimental results show that when the embeddings are used in conjunction with a DCNN trained on semantic segmentation, there is a systematic improvement in per-pixel classification accuracy. These contributions are integrated in the popular Caffe deep learning framework, and consist in straightforward modifications to convolution routines. As such, they can be exploited for any task involving convolution layers.
Conflicts: centralesupelec.fr, ecp.fr, ryerson.ca
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