Teaching Large Language Models to Reason with Reinforcement Learning

Published: 13 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 15 Jul 2024ICML 2024 Workshop AI4MATH PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Reasoning, RL, LLM
TL;DR: We compare the performance of multiple RL algorithms across multiple setups for improving LLM reasoning
Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (\textbf{RLHF}) has emerged as a dominant approach for aligning LLM outputs with human preferences. Inspired by the success of RLHF, we study the performance of multiple algorithms that learn from feedback (Expert Iteration, Proximal Policy Optimization (\textbf{PPO}), Return-Conditioned RL) on improving LLM reasoning capabilities. We investigate both sparse and dense rewards provided to the LLM both heuristically and via a learned reward model. We additionally start from multiple initializations with and without supervised fine-tuning (\textbf{SFT}) data. Overall, we find models fine-tuned with Expert Iteration to consistently achieve the highest task accuracy with PPO and RCRL close behind. Surprisingly, the sample complexity of Expert Iteration is similar to that of PPO, requiring at most on the order of $10^6$ samples to converge from a pretrained checkpoint. We investigate why this is the case, concluding that during RL training models fail to explore significantly beyond solutions already produced by SFT models. Additionally, we discuss a trade off between maj@1 and pass@96 metric performance during SFT training and how conversely RL training improves both simultaneously. We then conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for RLHF and the future role of RL in LLM fine-tuning.
Submission Number: 16