Multi-Objective Online LearningDownload PDF

16 May 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)NeurIPS 2022 SubmittedReaders: Everyone
Keywords: online algorithms, multi-objective online learning
Abstract: This paper presents a systematic study of multi-objective online learning. We first formulate the framework of Multi-Objective Online Convex Optimization, which encompasses two novel multi-objective regret definitions. The regret definitions build upon an equivalent transformation of the multi-objective dynamic regret based on the commonly used Pareto suboptimality gap metric in zero-order multi-objective bandits, making it amenable to be optimized via first-order iterative methods. To motivate the algorithm design, we give an explicit example in which equipping OMD with the vanilla min-norm solver for gradient composition will incur a linear regret, which shows that only regularizing the iterates, as in single-objective online learning, is not enough to guarantee sublinear regrets in the multi-objective setting. To resolve this issue, we propose a novel min-regularized-norm solver that regularizes the composite weights. Combining min-regularized-norm with OMD results in the Doubly Regularized Online Mirror Multiple Descent algorithm. We further derive both the static and dynamic regret bounds for the proposed algorithm, each of which matches the corresponding optimal bound in the single-objective setting. Extensive experiments on both simulation and real-world datasets verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
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