SVMax: A Feature Embedding RegularizerDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 22 Oct 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: metric learning, model collapse, feature embedding, neural network regularizer
Abstract: A neural network regularizer (eg, weight decay) boosts performance by explicitly penalizing the complexity of a network. In this paper, we penalize inferior network activations -- feature embeddings -- which in turn regularize the network's weights implicitly. We propose singular value maximization (SVMax) to learn a uniform feature embedding. The SVMax regularizer integrates seamlessly with both supervised and unsupervised learning. During training, our formulation mitigates model collapse and enables larger learning rates. Thus, our formulation converges in fewer epochs, which reduces the training computational cost. We evaluate the SVMax regularizer using both retrieval and generative adversarial networks. We leverage a synthetic mixture of Gaussians dataset to evaluate SVMax in an unsupervised setting. For retrieval networks, SVMax achieves significant improvement margins across various ranking losses.
One-sentence Summary: We propose singular value maximization (SVMax) as a feature embedding regularizer. SVMax promotes a uniform embedding, mitigates model collapse, and enables large learning rates.
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